
“Most of my meetings and tasks are agreed or planned via SMS.
Why not send the SMS information to my calendar and create a calender entry from the SMS content?


“Making Kopuio as public solution, comes from my daughters 6th grade class project, where students should learn how to start a company.
They needed a product for the "company" - the idea of a Kopuio organization came to life.
After I have build consultancy organisations for IT corporations in Europe and AustralAsia, and lately selling my own company,
I have decided to see if companies and business models could organised and operated differently.” ”


“The Kopuio company is tennant by me. You see more of my bio on Linkedin.
However the idea being that Kopuio is democratic company governed by and managed by its actual users.
Legally the Kopuio solution needs a company in order to pay its bills and to operate IT services . That company is Kopuio and owned by me.
However I have setup a list for "code of conduct" that I will aim to apply to.”

Code of conuduct

Only on Tuesdays
Development, Support and Administrative task is only conducted on Tuesdays
I have a time management disorder. If I find something of interest it consumes me. That harms my work life balance. Kopuio is not my day job, and not income generating. I need to set boundaries for my entuhsiame.
Kopuio a democratic company
All business and development decisions should be subject to a democratic process
Basically the users should have a say in all important company decisions
All technical and business information should be made public
Kopuio operates on users data - so users should have a say and know what is going on
Organic growth
Kopuio is never to be governed by capital interest
Venture capital should be avoided if possible. Based on experience - making biased decisions based on capital interest seldom provide wisdom, and has a tendency to make the moral compass rotate violantly
Wealth distribution
Should the company ever generate an income, then 50% should be diverted to charity
Users decides via pools what charity to benefit
Fonder may leave at any time
Since Kopuio must operate as a legal entity in order to operate. I/Founder bear commercial and legal risk founding Kopuio
Since I/Founder bear risk for the community decisions of initiating Kopuio, I also will have the right to pull the plug on Kopuio. Since everything is transparent and open users are free to generate a new Kopuio

People behind

Here will be a video about how kopuio work - under the hood.

Sorry - havn't done the video yet ... :-(

Video will appear in popover